Nearly every other commercial on TV seems to be for a dating website and there's a new one popping up practically every day it seems, each one claiming that their method of introducing potential partners is the best or most successful. It would seem that there are only so many ways to re-invent the wheel, but by adding more structured questions, interest inventories and hoops to jump through before talking to an actual person, the dating websites may indeed be different, but the result is sadly the same.
My date on Monday night and I had been through the 4 rounds of structured 'get to know each other' emails, exchanged real email addresses and even phone numbers only to meet up at the coffee shop to discover that there was no spark between us. He had a good job but a serious lack of charisma. The guy before him was the exact opposite- tons of fun but no real goal or guarantee of stability.
No matter what popular movies or media claim, that tingling feeling that you get when you meet someone you like cannot be manufactured or supplemented by common interests. Unfortunately, no matter how hard dating websites try to offer an alternative to organic meetings between two people and the creation of that spark, I fear that they'll never be able to establish real relationships or anything more that amusing dating stories.